I got a new AC100 today running a Tegra2 and Android 2.1 on it. The first thing I did was to try and make it into a dual boot machine with a usb hard drive connected to it and boy is it spiffy and fast while running something like Ubuntu 10.10 . Thanks to ogra for pointing me towards the necessary bits and the #ac100 channel on freenode.
It's reasonably spiffy and based on recommendations from someone else I decided to get going with chromium and that resulted promptly in a crash because of an illegal instruction which might or might not be a compiler bug ! Talk about eating your own dog food eh !
Firefox does seem a bit heavy on this but reasonable. Flash doesn't seem to work out of the box so you have to rely on gnash and other bits and pieces. The biggest showstopper for my wife adopting it is the lack of sound on this but it might be solved by upgrading the emmc to Android 2.2 . Overall not a bad experience so far.