Thursday, November 16, 2006

Beryl and Edgy - The revenge of the weenie

Across the pale parabola of joy

Wobbly windows on your Intel 82865G card... You must be joking was the polite answer at work by the rookie geek at work 4-6 months back when the XGL / Compiz mania hit the geeks at the place I work . The more macho answers ranged from asking me to grow up or drink something stronger than ethanol.

Today I have the cube, wobbly windows AIGLX working on my Desktop with the following.

root@numenor:/home/ramana# lspci | grep Graphics
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

And how long did this take me .
Time for an aptitude dist-upgrade to edgy eft
Time for google to find out install instructions for beryl

Figured that AIGLX was already there in edgy. So bye bye XGL .
aptitude install beryl emerald

$>beryl-manager ... .

And now the cube rotates !

You can see it here

Darn! STill can't get xine to play the movie across the edges of the cube. :(

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