Monday, April 09, 2007


Gogol Ganguly - whats in a name you may ask , but if you have a name which goes Nikhil Gogol Ganguly I am sure you'd sit up and question the wisdom of your parents choices. Its from a superbly crafted movie called the Namesake which I managed to see with 3 Swedes and my niece M bringing to an end a mixed weekend . The movie is well made and the performances are really good - Tabu and Irfan Khan stand out and so does the kid who plays the role of Gogol in the movie . Almost everyone questions their name at some point of time and wonders if their parents could have done better - However you live with your name and its not too far before you make the same mistake.

Watching Australia play England before dozing off . I hope England does a Bangladesh today :)

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