Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The fascination for early morning walks.

Conversation .

Mom : You were a worm when you were born. Everyone was worried if this kid would even grow. Now we wish the reverse were true.

Uncle : My Activa cries if it has to carry you.

With such callous remarks pointed towards the slight increase in adipose tissue around the waist, yours truly decided that it was time to go for what is the Madrasi's true passion, an early morning walk. After enthusiastic friends gifted me a Nike + ipod pedometer with some inspiring words from PB , one had decided to put it to good use. But of course it needed the prod from one's close Rs .

Boat Club Road in Madras is one of the few beautiful areas left in Madras - Tree lined avenues, clean roads, zero stray dogs, no overflowing garbage bins and a healthy smattering of walkers who don't gawk at an oversized creature attempting to get back into shape with an ipod for company. The walk to Boat Club Road is about 800 m from my house and then a full circle around the avenues with trees that form a canopy on top is about 1.2 miles. Its certainly interesting to note one's old HOD turn up for a walk in the same area and to be remembered by him despite one's vagabond Bachelor days during under-graduation. Then one gets to see old classmates parents and check on his / her existence and which part fo the planet we call earth they exist on. All the while you sweat by the buckets, the rag which is a towel is soaked with sweat so that you can wring out more buckets. Ofcourse you then look out and hope that you don't have to sing Here comes the Sun, lets sweat gallons of sweat instead ..

If only there was an easy way to collect the sweat of all the walkers in Madras there would never be any water shortage in Madras.

Now thats a disgusting thought and on that note shall head out ...

P.S. Why am I in Madras - To sweat out buckets and enjoy the sun in the middle of summer..

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