Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh Woman Woman

Overheard Conversation between Arun and his to be missus.

(Arun) - What do I get you from Canada ?
(The missus) - Well, let me take a look ..

Clickety click click click ...

(The missus) - Everythings too expensive.

Camera cuts to Arun on the way back from Canada.

(Arun) - BTW I didn't get you anything . Everything was too expensive.
(Missus) - You disappoint me .
(Arun ) - Did you expect something ?
(Missus) - Ofcourse what did you think ?
(Arun) - What do I get you ? ?You said you didn't want anything. Aren't you supposed to be deterministic ?
(Missus) - Hmmmmm
(Arun ) - Got you chocolates by the ton.
(Missus) - Huh ! What do you think ? India is some 4th world country or what ? We get Daim , Lindt and Toblerone here as well.

Arun groans inwards .

(Missus ) - See if you can find something. What was your budget )?
(Arun) - XXX $$$$$
(Missus ) - What ? You wastrel ..
(Arun) - Erm ...
(Missus )- If I had known this I would have asked you for something that was worth XXX/20 -
(Arun)- Then why didn't you tell me ?
(Missus) - Because you didn't tell me your budget.
(Arun_) - Uh oh .

and in the process of becoming the nth guy hunting for gifts in Heathrow 20 minutes before the flight left, missed the flight. Remember Bertie Wooster - Oh Woman Woman !

Vikram Pandit @ citibank claps his hands in delight . Subprime ! Shubprime be damned - One more chap brandishing his card in the service of the missus.

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