Saturday, December 06, 2008

Life in the freezer and the rain.

So, its been about 2 weeks where I've started experiencing relocating and understanding the true value of the sun - For e.g. the weather report today suggested that the sun would be out and available between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Imagining darkness at 4p.m. is slightly difficult especially for one who's grown up playing cricket between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on a daily basis not so many moons ago. Winter is exactly what Wodehouse describes in far better words when he talks about Mike (of Mike and Psmith fame) in the book Psmith in the City . The office where I am could very well be the bank that's described in these lines below.

When all the world outside is dark and damp and cold, the light and warmth of the place
are comforting. There is a pleasant air of solidity about the interior
of a bank. The green shaded lamps look cosy. And, the outside world
offering so few attractions, the worker, perched on his stool, feels
that he is not so badly off after all. It is when the days are long and
the sun beats hot on the pavement, and everything shouts to him how splendid it is out in the country, that he begins to grow restless.

But then here comes the sun - After having typed this yet again in London Heathrow and yet again waiting for the flight to be announced , I'm looking forward to summer in Bombay with the temperatures roaring in the 30s and there being bright light for a long long time .This might well be my last post as a bachelor and as one more bites the dust here's to all good times with marriage and all that !

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