Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The IT guys jargon

Don't know where to stay in Timbucktoo - what's the problem - google it. Don't know this client visiting us - what's the big deal lets google him. There's an ICE in GCC - no problem lets google it in . Its become such a tool in one's life that I now hear my mom using google for all her copy editing work . Oh I don't know what Schrodinger's cat in the box means, let me google for it and figure out if the book has it used in the right context.

The other useful app that Patan pointed out to me was Google Reader and a one stop solution for collecting feeds from all the blogs that I manage to read once in a blue moon. I did try and use the standard gnome applications for it but then opening and closing it everytime proves to be too much of a strain on my ancient workhorse with a couple of builds running in parallel. However one does have google open most of the time in a browser window and a tab having the blogs isn't too much overhead.

But then google has this tendency to figure out that the user in his web experience definitely wants more tools on the web and they've gone around filling that gap rather beautifully. Hmmm the mind boggles.

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