Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nostalgia and all that.

So the last few days have been spent in recovering from jetlag , thermal shocks ( a jump from 35 deg. C to 3 deg C and then back to 38 deg C cannot be very pleasant) and an impromptu vacation to the city of Hyderabad where unseasonal rain brought the temperature down over the weekend.

Working from home 24x7 is very interesting. One has to have far more discipline to work from home rather than from an office is something that I am realizing by true experience now. Having worked from home in the past I've always found it nice but then there was always a feeling of being able to get into office at some point of time .

Drove back and from the university today sometime around lunch as one got tired running to and from the passport office and ended up visiting my old alma mater. Was worth going in and having a chat with my old prof - had lunch ( Masala dosa Sambar awful as is the case in most restaurants in Pune including the fabled Vaishali) for 10 bucks. However good old HFC is gone .

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