Sunday, March 09, 2008

A tour of Bristol

Its just a 2 week trip to attend a formality of an interview, which I've cleared now and figure out about housing in the UK and moving over to the UK. Its been a great trip over and jumping right from 30 deg. in Bombay to 3 deg in Bristol was like jumping from the oven into the freezer . As is the standard warning from everyone - cover yourself in layers, keep warm, eat good food, don't take any pangas and have fun !

So Monday came bright and shining at 7 deg C which was said to be brilliant weather and I was thinking hmmmm .. If this is the best, what can be the worst. The cold is fine and can be tolerated pretty much everything is heated and kept warm but then the wind chill kills you. I've been walking around a lot the last few days meeting up with my good ol' mate RVK as well as figuring out things about England. Its been good long walks and I must have walked more in this whole week than I would have done in India being the lazy bum that I am. So I wondered if today would be the same, nice sunny and maybe I can walk around and sit with my laptop on College Green off Park Lane and use the free wifi. Pretty much all of Park Street free wifi and I wanted to sit a bit in the sun. Alas, that was not to happen since it started coming down and down and down and down . A bit boring one might say but that didn't deter me from walking to Broadsmead (a big mall) and buying myself a thick jacket 3 books and some dvds of Yes Minister and Yes Prime minister. After that it was time to open up viks tomato chutney, put it on some bread and eat it enjoying re-runs of the dvds I'd bought.

More I think will be later since I am tiured.

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