Friday, May 12, 2006

Telugu and Gulute

Why are Gults called Gults ?

I have asked so many people this and the most popular answer according to us Tambrahms is that gult is a derivative from the word gulute which is the reverse of the syllables from the word te-lu-gu . I have heard an extension of this which might be rude to all the gults who read this and a good friend of mine, whose name is that of a calculator will murder me for this.

Apparently in the Rayalaseema district the rural folk keep a tokri full of puli rice and gongura (one of *the* hottest pickles that this country has the honour of producing and someting that all gults need to catch up on when they are back in homeland ) which they get up and have first thing in the morning without doing anything else. The next thing they do is to take a shower , walk out on the road , finish your work and on the way use either a twig or a toothpaste to brush. So the day's 3 major tasks are done in the wrong order hence the word te-lu-gu is reversed as gu-lu-te and gult is a short form for that.

I should mention here that this is hearsay and could very well be a tamilians rant against our fellow Indians slightly north of t-nadu.


Kishan said...

Apparently, whoever gave this answer to you himself either is not a telugu or is completely out of his mind. Me being a telugu myself who has numerous friends from rayalaseema never heard of such a thing like brushing their teeth after eating gongura.

I hope you did not believe in your friend's imaginative story and came to conclusions.

themadrasi said...

Well - its the standard story a tamilian growing up in Madras hears about naming conventions for gults.

Imaginative - though slightly rude ain't it.

Mammu said...

F you!!! and the "madrasis"

Sam Reddy said...

It's the most ridiculous story... definitely not true... but is one which sound's believable only from the cult of people who idolize Rajnikanth... yep... ;-)

hari kumar raja said...

U Fucker u don't have right's to tall bad about others...

Unknown said...

Its rediculous....nobody in RAYALASEEMA will go for food witout brushing their teeth.

Here I only understand that the person who stated this comment definetly wake up in the afternoon so that he never had chance to observe the morning processes(what we call it as KALAKRUTHYALU). So he is only observing the evening brushing.

Those who can't respect their own country(or religion) can't respects others so definetly I believe they belongs to the are MOTHER FUCKER religion.


hcmg2489 said...
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hcmg2489 said...

u bloody bastard u r the first gulty
not anybody keep urself clean first n den speak abt others first wash ur hands after going to kalakruthyalu n don't 4 get my words u bloody bastard