Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Mornings, Coffee and Broadcom chips

Spent a lot of time last night trying to get a few builds going and thinking about all that I was doing in life. All of us, so called geeks as I was so firmly referred to the other day end up in front of the machine at 2 in the morning and at 8 in the morning as I sit down and post this. The balance of life and work does not exist for any of us, and the worst part is that none of us geeks pay attention or bother about it since work gives us an exhiliration that very few of other things gives us.

The sheer kick in getting a piece of code working was what drove me last night to do some cool hackery to get a disassembler up for a trivial piece of hw even though we could have lived with it not happening.

The other motivation for spending so much time online or on the comp atleast for this trip seems to be the amazing piece of hardware which seems to be the cheapo ADSL modem . Its awesomely fast, has a Broadcom chip which is possibly as powerful as the K2 in the desktop we have in the old homestead. Don't worry am not posting this from that, but from zirakzigil which is atleast 4 times more powerful.

The other cool thing is that I am trying to register for LinuxAsia and talk about GCC et al over there. Figuring out the right topic and getting an abstract up and going is a tough task , but I ought to finish it today . The flip side is that I will have to be in Delhi and might miss A's engagement which I had planned on attending. Could always fly down, thats an option. The conference site is here .

Nothing much else happening here, though I have a couple of hours of driving around Madras with R who promised to scare the death out of me in a repeat of the driving skills show that I had put on for R's visit to Pune.

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