Friday, December 16, 2005


Is it the time to say TGIF ..... Yeah I guess so . One of the readers of this blog did comment about the increased frequency of posts, I am sure that the reader would have had a RSS feed set up on his fancy handheld device knowing his geek value.

The reason for the increased posts appears to be time to kill before a call or some other work at the appointed hour. Finished Angels and Demons overnight during the week being unable to sleep . Its quite a don't put me down once you pick me up book ... Well written and gripping in comparison to some other books from him.... DaVinci Code was good and so was this. I somehow didn't enjoy Digital Fortress all that much.

The weekend beckons and so does the project group and one PG Wodehouse. Psmith Omnibus is kept at home just for the purpose of a good cuppa coffee and curling in the chair ..

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